Deliverlitics Tags
This is the list of tags available inside Deliverlitics
Risk Tags
: Represent a high risk of delivering this order.DLTX_Risk:Medium
: Represent a Medium risk to deliver this order.DLTX_Risk:Low
: Represent a low risk when delivering this order.DLTX_Risk:Invalid Address
: Represent when an order has an address that can not be validated or does not exist.DLTX_SurveyAction:User Blocked
: Represent an order created by a blocked user.
DLTX_Shipping: Free Shipping
: Represent free shipping assigned through compensation or action provided by the Rules Engine
Global Tags
These tags are applied after the data customer analysis consumes multiple data sources. The customer behavior is analyzed through all the stores where they've shopped recently, and tags are assigned based on this.
DLTX:High Frequency
: Customer has placed successive orders recentlyDLTX:Big Spender
: Customer purchases are well above the average order valueDLTX:Loyal
: Customer has kept purchasing from a store past a recency window (depends on shop category)DLTX:Buys and Keeps Product
: Customer has recently made several orders and returned noneDLTX:Returns Fraudster
: TBDDLTX:High Returner
: Customer has returned more than half of their recent orders
Local tags
These tags are explicit for the store, they can be assigned after internal actions, please check the Customer Intelligence feature for more details.
DLTX_Survey_Local:Big spender
DLTX_Survey_Local:High Frequency
DLTX_Survey_Local:Feedback Provider
DLTX_Survey_Local:Brand Promoter
DLTX_Survey_Local:Buys and Keeps Product
DLTX_Survey_Local:Repeat Escalation Customer
DLTX_Survey_Local:High returner
DLTX_Survey_Local:History of Wardrobing
DLTX_Survey_Local:High INR Damaged Claimer
DLTX_Survey_Local:Abusive Communicator
DLTX_Survey_Local:Returns Fraudster
DLTX_Survey_Action_Local:User Blocked
Updated 18 days ago