

For a better understading of Shopify Tags in Shiphero

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Delverlitics & ShipHero Automation Rules

Automation rules in ShipHero are designed to streamline warehouse and operational processes by automating tasks based on specific order criteria. For example, you can set up rules to send emails when orders contain certain SKUs or to assign shipping methods for particular ZIP codes.

Accessing Automation Rules

To manage automation rules:

  1. Log in to your ShipHero account.
  2. Navigate to Orders > Automation Rules.

Understanding Automation Rules



This is an abstraction of how Automation Rules can be configured, do not forget to visit the Shiphero official documantion page for more info.

An automation rule consists of:

  • Triggers: Conditions that, when met, activate the rule.
  • Actions: Tasks executed when the triggers are satisfied.

These rules are applied to orders upon their creation or import into ShipHero, before warehouse assignment.

Key Points:

  • Rules are processed sequentially from top to bottom. You can adjust their order to set priorities.
  • Rules apply only to new orders and do not affect existing ones retroactively.

Note for 3PL Users: Ensure that automation rules are implemented within the appropriate child account for proper functionality.

Triggers and Actions

ShipHero offers a variety of triggers and actions to customize your automation rules. For example:

  • Create lists to apply specific shipping methods based on matching ZIP codes.
  • Set up rules to manage orders containing certain SKUs.

Additional Details:

  • Multiple triggers and actions can be combined within a single rule.
  • Trigger values are not case-sensitive.

Note for Shopify Users: The "Rerun this rule on order tags import" setting is enabled by default.

  • If an order tag is added in Shopify after the order exists in ShipHero (and you use that tag as a trigger), the automation rule will rerun.
  • Adding an order tag directly in ShipHero after import will not trigger the rule.

Deliverlitics Shopify App Integration:

ShipHero allows you to use Shopify order tags as triggers within automation rules, enabling more dynamic workflows.

  1. Sync Shopify Tags: Ensure the "Rerun this rule on order tags import" option is enabled (this is on by default).
  2. Set Up a Rule with Tags:
    • Use order tags from Shopify as a trigger condition in your automation rule.
    • Example: If an order tag is Deliverlitics: Free Shipping, Deliverlitics_Risk:High, apply a specific shipping method or priority workflow.
  3. Important Notes:
    • Please check all the tags available in the Deliverlitcs Tags section
    • If a tag is added in Shopify after the order is imported into ShipHero, the rule will rerun and apply the necessary actions.
    • Adding a tag directly in ShipHero does not trigger the rule.

Available Triggers and Actions

ShipHero provides a comprehensive list of triggers and actions to tailor your automation rules effectively. For detailed information on each available trigger and action, please refer to ShipHero's official documentation.

By leveraging automation rules, you can enhance efficiency, reduce manual intervention, and ensure consistent order processing within your operations.